Belmont Church










We welcome you to Belmont  Church

where we follow Jesus, grow in faith, and make a difference. 






February 2


Traditional Service

8:45 a.m.

Comtemporary Service

10:30 a.m.


The Children's Department is in the process  of a much needed upgrade.


You can place your offering for that mission in the offering plate marked CHILDREN'S UPGRADE.

Thank YOU


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along with the sermon?


Need a bookmark?


Visit the Welcome Station if you need a Bible


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Belmont Church

 two services for Worship

8:45-9:30 a.m. Traditional Worship

9:45-10:15 Sunday School/Small Groups for all ages

10:30-11:30 Contemporary Worship


We have a place for you.

Join us. 

Our Greeters are available for assistance.

Welcome Table in the sanctuary



Join  Pastor Chase as he

leads us in a 5 part

sermon series


 just pray 


During this sermon series, Pastor Chase is encouraging all to say the following prayer at 9:00 a.m. or when ever it fits your schedule.


"God, set our hearts on fire for You.  Bring revival to our  homes, our church, and our community so that Your name is lifted high and lives are transformed by Your grace."


“For the word of the LORD is right, and all his work is trustworthy. He loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the LORD’s unfailing love.” -Psalm 33:4-5 Listen to chapter
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