Our children's program;


  • where kids can be themselves, 
  • learn about Jesus
  • enjoy a safe and friendly environment. 













Link to Adult Sunday School















 Join us every Sunday

Miss Becky shares our Christian faith to children in a program called Kids Jam.

Then be sure to join her in Conversations with the Kids

as she shares a lighter side of the

upcoming sermon.





Belmont Home Schoolers

Wednesday 1-3 p.m.

Connect with Becky Fultz for addition information.



Our homeschooling group Belmont Homeschoolers (Flourish).


What is Flourish? Flourish is a new group of homeschooling families who value raising our children in community with one another as we serve out our faith in Jesus Christ.


We gather at least once a week for fellowship, devotions, enrichment activities, field trips, and special events. Check out our group page below for more information!


Information and connection can be achieved by clicking on the new facebook link below.







Remember our worship streams every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. on FaceBook and YouTube Channel






Nursery:  0-2 years of age available as needed

Lower Elementary: PS-2nd Grade, Miss Jenny

Upper Elementary: 3rd-6th Grade, Miss Meg



Starting at 10 a.m., we provide both nursery care and a KIDZ JAM service to our families.


Nursery is 0-5 years old until Kindergarten.  Children may be dropped off as early as 10 a.m., and may be signed in upon arrival.  All nursery workers are background checked, and have experience with children. 


Our KIDZ Jam service is open to K-6th grade students.  From 10-10:30, K-6th grade students come in, use the bathroom, get water and snacks, and learn about the main Bible story of focus with an object lesson. 


At 10:30, students receive children's bulletins to work on during the service. Students sit with Miss Becky until the Children's Moment in the service. 


Miss Becky provides a small children's sermon that reflects the theme for that Sunday morning service.  The students then follow Miss Becky back to the classroom to have games and crafts revolving around that Bible story lesson. 


Students may be dropped off and dismissed at the same location each week.





VBS, our community and church Vacation School program.  One week program of learning about Jesus and his love and message.   Summer 2024, See you in the Down Under for VBS.




Our children earn KIDZ BUCKS every time they attend Sunday School or KIDZ JAM service, bring their Bibles, bring a friend or new family member, and say a memory verse!  Quarterly, students then decide if they are going to spend their KIDZ BUCKS or keep accruing them for larger prizes!  This helps students form healthy habits to be implemented for the rest of their lives.



Have any questions about children's ministry?  See our children's coordinator, Becky Fultz, for more details about our programming, or send a message through the Administrative Assistant, Susan Saul, and she will get back to you in a timely manner.  All are welcome to come worship and serve alongside our children at Belmont UMC!