Bridge Builders



Treasure Seekers and Searchers



Link to Children's Programs and Sunday School


The Homebuilders Sunday School Class

We are a video based class.  We study a variety of topics from religious history to current events.  Feel free to join us in the office on any Sunday.

Bridge Builders

Bridge Builders class is a multi-generational group (30’s and up), and we principally study the Bible, as well as biblical history, to understand God’s wishes for us as we attempt to make and grow disciples of Jesus Christ, for the transformation of our community and beyond.  Lots of good discussion, in a safe place.  We meet in the Bride's Room, just at the top of the to the educational wing.

Treasure Seekers/Searchers

"The 'Treasure Seekers' Sunday School class is a Bible study class.  We have lively discussions.  If you're not already in a class on Sunday morning, come and join us in the ESL room at the foot of the basement stairs!"